Michael Redel

Michael Redel, M. Sc.

Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Chair of Polymer Materials

Room: Room 1.94
Martensstr. 7
91058 Erlangen

2012 – 2016

studies in Material science and engineering at the FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg: degree: B.Sc.

topic of the Bachelor thesis: Mullins effect and strain-induced free volume in particle-filled silicone elastomers

2016- 2018

studies in Material science and engineering at the FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg: degree: M.Sc.

topic of the master thesis: Shear rheological characterization of matrix materials for magnetorheological applications – experimental restrictions from the rheometer

Since September 2018

Research Associate at the Chair of Polymer Materials of the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg
subject: Vliesstoffe